Typographic Portraits

You will be using type in a completely different way to create portraits- or images which ever you choose!!

Typographic Portraits- using type to create an image!  Above are examples of different ways Mrs. Riehle has created, but there are many different ways to do it! Here are some more links to examples of typographic portraits.  

When you are ready the videos are below for you to watch.  I will be ready to help if you have any questions!

What you will do:
1. Pick a portrait to do- It has to be someone you know- it can not be an image from google images etc.  It has to be a photo taken by you or someone you know.  Make sure it is a LARGE image - so if you download one from Facebook make sure its a high quality one!
2.  Decide how you are going to create your image.  Mrs. Riehle will have tutorials on various ways to do it, but not all ways- you may have to do a little searching!
3.  When we are all done you are going to print this out HUGE! (So make sure its 300 resolution)  We will learn how to do that.
4. They should NOT look identical to the tutorials- make them your own!!!!!!
5.  Have fun!

Here are a couple more examples using color and custom brushes instead of words.

The tutorials:

How to make custom brushes:

Step 1:

Step 2:
or Using The Type Tool

Where to get great fonts:

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