All about Photoshop!

What you will be doing:

Learning the Photoshop interface.
Learning how to fix photos and make them better
Learn how to use Photoshop for graphic design
Learn how to use Photoshop for fine art applications.
Learn to use a blog.

How you will turn things in:

You will be almost completely paperless.  You will use both google docs and your blog to turn things in.  You are graded on blog posts as well as the actual assignment.

Internet Policy:
The computer is used for photoshop purposes only.  Do not use the internet for surfing the web when you should be doing work!

Grading Scale
Stand HS Grading Scale

         A    =    100 - 93        C+ =  79.9 - 77         D-     =  62.9 - 60
         A-  =    92.9 - 90       C   =  76.9 - 73         F       =  59.9 and below
         B+  =    89.9 - 87       C-  =  72.9 - 70        
         B    =    86.9 - 83       D+ =  69.9 - 67      
         B-   =    82.9 - 80       D   =  66.9 - 63
How your grade is figured
80% Projects
10% Visual Literacy
10% Mini Tutorials

Semester Grade
45% 1st Quarter
45% 2nd Quarter
10% Semester Project