Editing Shapes

How do you edit something that isn't rasterized????

1.  Create your shape- custom shapes are located under the Shape tool.  You can find them under the square shape tool.
2.  Inorder to erase areas of your shape you will need to rasterize it.
3.  Go to Layer- Rasterize- Choose LAYER.
4.  Now you can edit your layer.

Black and White Problem What you will be graded on:

2.  Use of negative/possitive space
3.  Reconizable quality of theme chosen.
4.  Neatness
5.  Use of tools

You will need to upload your BEST black and white problem to your blog and link up your blog.  All the others need to be put in your GOOGLE docs photoshop folder.

Questions that need to be answered on your blog-

Why you picked your theme.  How you came up with your idea for your image.  Why this one is your best.  What would you do differently next time.  Did you use shapes, brushes or both.

You will have classtime on Monday to finish up your blog and black and white problem. I will also show you the next assignment examples.

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