Questions for your final blog post

1.  What was the most diffecult part of the triazzle project?
2.  What was your most successful part of your triazzle?
3.  What could you improve on your triazzle?
4.  Did you use blending options on ALL your icons?
5.  Did you use blending options on at least 1 part of your background?
6.  Over all what would you give yourself for a grade?

Class recap questions:

1.  What was your favorite project this year?
2.  What was your least favorite project this year?
3.  Did you prefer using the videos or having Mrs. Riehle show you step by step in class or would you like both?
4.  How did you like using Google docs in class?
5.  How did you like handing things in using your blog?


Examples from Past Assignments:

Here are the links for the videos and online tutorials:

Here is the original step by step tutorial from Photoshop Road Map-


Simple Icons:

Complex Icon:


Finishing your Puzzle:

Creativity Challenge

Your challenge is to create 18 different ideas using 3 standard shapes!  You will want to be completely different than your classmates!!!  That means if you create a purple chicken and someone creates a yellow chicken you miss 1 because a chicken isn't very creative, even if it is a purple chicken!

Watch this video and you will find out more!!!!

This is due TOMORROW- we will have class in the art room!

Typographic Licenses

So now that your are done with your license plates lets post BOTH of them to your blog and answer some questions.

1.  Which license plate was your most successful? WHY
2.  Which was your least successful?  WHY
3.  Did you use STYLES on ALL of your designs?
4.  Did you use filters on any of your designs?
5.  What did you pick for your free choice?  Why did you pick that for your license plate?

New Visual Literacy Project

We have all seen personalized license plates, I even have one.  What if you could have a illustrated license plate?  You job is to create 8 personalized license plates that visually tell me what you are.  You will need to use your name for this assignment.

FYI a snake is not an amphibian!!!

There will be 2 templates in your Photoshop Google docs you will use in Photoshop for your license plates.

What tools/techniques will you need to use:

Shapes (Optional)
Filters (Optional)

Typographic Portrait FINAL!!!

Here is the Linky for your Typographic Portraits.  They are due FRIDAY!  On Friday I will show you how to print them LARGE! And we will go to the art room and put them together!

What to say on your blog:

Why did you pick this photo?  Now that you created your typographic portrait would you pick a different photo?  Why or Why not?  How many brushes did you create?  What did they say?  Did you like this project?  Why or why not?  Over all what would you give yourself for a grade?  Why?

Typographic Tutorials

How to make custom brushes:

Step 1:

Step 2:
or Using The Type Tool

Where to get great fonts:

Typographic Portraits

Typographic Portraits- using type to create an image!  Above are examples of different ways Mrs. Riehle has created, but there are many different ways to do it! Here are some more links to examples of typographic portraits.  
When you are ready to begin I have started uploading video to youtube for you to use.  I will be ready to help if you have any questions!

What you will do:
1. Pick a portrait to do- It has to be someone you know- it can not be an image from google images etc.  It has to be a photo taken by you or someone you know.  
You can bring a real photo in for me to scan or in on a flash drive or upload it to your google docs.
2.  Decide how you are going to create your image.  Mrs. Riehle will have tutorials on various ways to do it, but not all ways- you may have to do a little searching!
3.  When we are all done you are going to print this out HUGE!  We will learn how to do that.
4.  Have fun!

Here are a couple more examples using color and custom brushes instead of words.

Editing Shapes

How do you edit something that isn't rasterized????

1.  Create your shape- custom shapes are located under the Shape tool.  You can find them under the square shape tool.
2.  Inorder to erase areas of your shape you will need to rasterize it.
3.  Go to Layer- Rasterize- Choose LAYER.
4.  Now you can edit your layer.

Black and White Problem What you will be graded on:

2.  Use of negative/possitive space
3.  Reconizable quality of theme chosen.
4.  Neatness
5.  Use of tools

You will need to upload your BEST black and white problem to your blog and link up your blog.  All the others need to be put in your GOOGLE docs photoshop folder.

Questions that need to be answered on your blog-

Why you picked your theme.  How you came up with your idea for your image.  Why this one is your best.  What would you do differently next time.  Did you use shapes, brushes or both.

You will have classtime on Monday to finish up your blog and black and white problem. I will also show you the next assignment examples.

Your Surreal Images

Hello on you blog this week you need to tell me

1.  Where you got your inspiration for you image.
2.  What you like about your image.
3.  What you would improve on your image.
4.  What you would give yourself for a grade and WHY!
5.  Where you got your images (each one).

Link you your image to receive a grade.

I would also like you to comment on someone else's image!  Give them some good feed back, not just I like your picture its cool!!!

Your Surrealism

Now its your turn to make a surreal image!  Here is what you will do:

1.  Start with a wonderful, creative idea!
2.  Get your images and textures.
3.  Make a document that is 8x10 or 10x8, 300 resolution in Photoshop.
4.  Use the tutorial you just finished to help you create your image.

Here is what you need:

4-5 images or textures.
Shadows to make things look real.
Seamless edits- no jagged edges need to LOOK like it is REALLY happening!
A good idea/composition!

Here are the places to get things:

Images- Images need to be copy right free!  - Use your keystone username and password (can't remember it look on the board)




Surrealism- what is it?- It was and is an art movement started in the 1930's- the defintion of surreal- having the qualities of surrealism; bizarre : a surreal mix of fact and fantasy. My definition- a dream like state where the scene looks real but couldn't really happen.

Artist who are associated with surrealsim:
Renee Magritte, and Salvador Dali
Paul Biddle  Zazie Stephen Burns

What are you going to do?
1- You are going to do a tutorial on how to blend images into 1 image.
2- You are going to create your own Surreal Image using approved images.

Here is the website for the tutorial:

Here is the Link to Part 1 of the tutorial:

Here is the link to Part 2 of the tutorial:

Here is the link to Part 3 of the tutorial:

Link up your Painting and what to tell me!

Hello class, you will have this week to work on your painting.  On Thursday I will introduce the next project, so until than work on your original painting and when you are done post it to your blog.  On your blog tell me the following info:

1-Why you picked the photo you turned into art.
2- Did you do all of the following on the art:
Gradient-Texture-Dodge Burn-Layer Opitions
3- What do you really like about your art work? WHY!
4- What is one thing you would change about your art?  WHY!

Remember answer these questions in paragraph form, so anyone reading this would understand what you are talking about!!!!!!  You will receive points for each blog post you create.

Turning your photo to Line Art!

You assignment is to create a colored drawing/painting with one of your own photos.  You will be expected to use Gradients, Texture, Fill, Dodge and Burn with this project.  Basically you need to apply the last 3 tutorials to your own photo.

Here is a video that will help you change your photo to line art.

To view this video in Youtube.  Click here.

FUN Friday!

Hello class, I hope you are behaving for your sub!  I want you all to do some fun tutorials today!  Go to this website
Pick a text effect you want to learn to create.  Follow the onscreen instructions and have fun creating some fun text effects.  You have to do 1 tutorial. However, you can turn in up to 3 text effects.  Each will be worth 25 points. 

On your blog give me the link to the text tutorials you did.  As well as post the jpeg of the effect!  No need to link up, I will just go to your website and do it. 

Have a great day!!!

Mrs. Riehle

Fun with Fill

Yes fun with fill!  We are going to get VERY creative with fill!!!

Google Docs files:
Signs Line and Signs END

Tools You Will Use
Magic Wand Tool
Gradient Tool
Move Tool
Quick Mask Mode

Short cuts You Will Use
Cmd +J- Duplicate Layer
Cmd+ C-Copy
Opt +Delete- Fill Foreground
Cmd + Delete-Fill Background
Cmd + D- Deselect
Cmd + + Zoom IN
Cmd + -  Zoom out
Shift-  Select Multiple areas
Cmd + Q


Refer to Orange Folder

How you will be graded:

Graded on if it looks like the other document.

Use of fill
Use of Filters
Use of Gradients
Use of the Warp Type Tool

Use of layers
Use of fill
Attention to detail NEATNESS!!!
Use of values
Attention to DETAIL!


Your first assignment blog post

Ok, so here is what you are going to do, create blog post to show off your BEST black square problem.  Tell me the following things in your blog:

1-  What word your you illustrating?
2- Why you picked this one over all the others.
3- Which black square needs the most work (this is for when I look at your google docs).  Why does it need the most work?
4-  How comfortable are you getting with the Photoshop program.  Is there anything you would like extra help on?

Now you need to "link up" your post to this post.  Mrs. Riehle will show you how to do that, but I also have a page that will remind you for the future!!!

Got some extra time on your hands?

If you check out Mrs. Riehle's personal blogs you will notice that I have some different backgrounds than what you can have with the standard plain old blogger.  So if you are looking for something fun you can google blogger templates or blog backgrounds or you could go here:

If you find one you like let me know and I will help you apply it to your blog!

Black Square Problem

The Black square problem- you job is to visually show me the following words:  order, tension, playful, bold, conjested, and increase.

Name:  Your name+word
6x6 inches
300 resolution
White Background

Tools You Will Use
Rectangular Marquee Tool
Gradient Tool
Move Tool

Short cuts You Will Use
Cmd +J- Duplicate Layer
Cmd+ C-Copy
Opt +Delete- Fill Foreground
Cmd + Delete-Fill Background
Cmd + T- Free Transform
Cmd + D- Deselect
Cmd + + -Zoom IN
Cmd +-  Zoom out


Click me to make me larger!

How you will be graded:

How well you conveyed the word you were representing
Attention to Detail

Your 1st Blog Post!!!

Hello Photoshop class!  You first blog post you will need to do the following:

Use the internet to find some digital artists that use Photoshop to create their artwork.  You need to find 10 websites that feature digital artists and or Photoshop professionals.  You can search for digital art, digital artists, Photoshop artists, digital printmakers and anything else you can think of.  Tell me why you picked the site and if you like or disliked the art and why.  Link each website up to your post.

When you are done, link you blog up to this one!

Here is an example of a great digital artist, Paul Biddle.

Clip Art Website

The first place to go is the AEA website
Online resources-clipart for schools  You will be able to use some things in this.

1st Assignment!!!!

What type of jobs can you get in the art field?  More so what types of jobs use PHOTOSHOP?????

You will create a powerpoint about your career path that you choose.  There is a list of jobs in the art field at this website:  However, don't limit yourself to this website only.

Here is your rubric for your powerpoint:

10 pts At least 10 slides
25 pts on Creativity- Be creative remember this is an art class!!!  But still make sure it is easy to read.

Information to included ( Min.)
100 pts
  • What job did you choose-be specific ie Fashion Photographer-Newspaper Graphic Designer
  • Schooling-how many years- where can you go?
  • Salary- How much would you make?
  • Where can you get a job- big city, small city.
  • What companies could employ you? (Microsoft etc.)
  • How would you use photoshop in your job?  Give examples
  • What is your job like (describe a typical day or duties and task you would have to do)
  • Find a job advertisement for your job and copy and paste it into your slide!
  • Would you really consider doing this job?  Be honest!!!
  • Examples of work you would create for this job!
  • Works sited slide- tell me where you got your info!!!!