Typographic Portraits Link up

Here is the link up for your portraits.  Here are the questions you need to answer.  Don't forget to comment on someone's blog!

1- What words did you use in your image?
2- Did you go and find fonts or did you use ones that were preloaded in photoshop- why or why not.
3-  Why did you pick the image for this assignment?
4-  Overall what would you give yourself for a grade?  Why!

Typographic Portraits

What- type again!!!  Yes this time your are going to think about it very differently!!!  
Typographic Portraits- using type to create an image!  Above are examples of different ways Mrs. Riehle has created, but there are many different ways to do it! Here are some more links to examples of typographic portraits.  

When you are ready to begin I have started uploading video to youtube for you to use.  I will be ready to help if you have any questions!

What you will do:
1. Pick a portrait to do- It has to be someone you know- it can not be an image from google images etc.  It has to be a photo taken by you or someone you know.  
You can bring a real photo in for me to scan or in on a flash drive or upload it to your google docs.
2.  Decide how you are going to create your image.  Mrs. Riehle will have tutorials on various ways to do it, but not all ways- you may have to do a little searching!
3.  When we are all done you are going to print this out HUGE!  We will learn how to do that.
4. They should not look identical to the tutorials- make them your own!!!!!!
5.  Have fun!

Here are a couple more examples using color and custom brushes instead of words.

The tutorials:

How to make custom brushes:

Step 1:

Step 2:
or Using The Type Tool

Where to get great fonts:

An Artistic Alphabet

Typography is VERY important in art; especially in graphic design!  So you are going to create an artistic alphabet.....from A to Z!  I have made a board showing some examples.  You can do it however you like, by just using fonts or using graphics as well, you do have to make it interesting and artistic.  You will be posting this to your blog as well as printing it out!

Here are some guidelines:

  • Use blending options!
  • Use different fonts- they can be downloaded easily and free from the links on the blog.
  • Use brushes- add some interest- I will show you how to download brushes and use them artisticly!
  • Clip art only!   NO GOOGLE IMAGES (OR ANY PHOTOS UNLESS YOU TOOK THEM).  Use the AEA website!
  • COLOR!  Use different colors!
  • Creativity! Be creative!!!

Here is a link to the board of ideas!!!!!

Op Art

You need post your BEST op art to your blog- the other hand into Schoology.


1.  Why is this your best.
2.  How did you alter the tutorial to make it your own?
3.  Here is how I am going to grade you:

Creativity -Is it different?
Neatness-  Clean and neat?
Op Art Concept- Is it op art?
Overall composition- Overall how it is made- does your eye move well is it solid co
Use of color- Did you use color to accent your design or does it take away from your design?

Based on those objectives how would you grade yourself and why???

Don't forget to comment on someone's op art!

Op Art- the next assignment






Check these websites out:


Crazy, right!  You are going to create 2 pieces of artwork- both 10x10 one organic (flowing lines) and one geometric (shapes).

Here are the tutorials for the Op Art:

Spiral Line: (Organic)


Liquified Lines: (Organic)



Boring voice guy's video:


Mrs. Riehle's Geometeric Example


More Examples:


Surrealism Link Up

You will link up your images here.

These are the questions you need to answer:

1.  Did your image turn out the way you conceputalized?
2.  Why or why not.
3.  Did you find it hard to find images for your design- why or why not.
4.  Did you use at least 5 images/textures in your image?
5.  What is the best part of your image? Why is it the best?
6.  What would you do to improve your image- why and how would you do that?
7. Now fill out this self evaluation:

Surrealism.....what is it.....and let's practice!

Surrealism- what is it?- It was and is an art movement started in the 1930's- the definition of surreal- having the qualities of surrealism; bizarre : a surreal mix of fact and fantasy. My definition- a dream like state where the scene looks real but couldn't really happen.

Artist who are associated with surrealsim:
Renee Magritte, and Salvador Dali
Paul Biddle  Zazie Stephen Burns

More Inspiration:


What are you going to do?
1- You are going to do a tutorial on how to blend images into 1 image.  It will look like this:

2- You are going to create your own Surreal Image using approved images.

Here is the website for the tutorial:

Here is the Link to Part 1 of the tutorial:

Here is the link to Part 2 of the tutorial:

Here is the link to Part 3 of the tutorial:

Painting Link UP!

Your painting should be getting done!  This link will close one week from today!  So get to work!  Remember this is what you need to have in your painting:

Values using dodge burn or overlays
Blend options on your layers

Questions you need to answer on your blog

Why did you pick this photo to do for your painting.
What was the most challenging part of this assignment.
What do you really like about your painting?
Is there anything you would do differently and why.
What is the overall grade you would give yourself- justify your answer!

Don't forget to comment on someones painting and than come back to this post and tell me what and who you commented on in my comment section!

Turning your photo into a painting

You assignment is to create a colored drawing/painting with one of your own photos.  You will be expected to use Gradients, Texture, Fill, Dodge and Burn and Layer Options with this project.  Basically you need to apply the last 2 tutorials to your own photo.

Here is a video that will help you change your photo to line art.

To view this video in Youtube.  Click here.

Your 1st Link Up

Here is your first link up!

Here is the video on how to do it:

Next, go to another students blog.  You need to comment on a blog.  Make sure they are relavent, and appropriate.  Than, come back here and tell me who you commented on.   

Your First Blog Post

Hello Photoshop class!  You first blog post you will need to do the following:

First go to this website:


There are some great contests here......maybe we will do a couple in class!  Its all about creativity!


Use the internet to find some digital artists that use Photoshop to create their artwork.  You need to find 10 websites that feature digital artists and or Photoshop professionals.  You can search for digital art, digital artists, Photoshop artists, digital printmakers and anything else you can think of.  Tell me why you picked the site and if you like or disliked the art and why.  Link each website up to your post.When you are done, link you blog up to this one!

Here are some examples of a great digital artists, Paul Biddle and Greg Fry (one of Mrs. Riehle's)

So, create a new blog post- Title it Digital Art Scavenger Hunt and have fun looking at great art work!

A form for you to fill out!

Please fill out this form......if you don't see it log into google!

Create a Blog!

Here is a video on creating you blog from start to finish.  Have fun!  Make it interesting you will have 2 days in class to work on your blog.

Websites to add "bling" to you blog!!

If you check out Mrs. Riehle's personal blogs you will notice that I have some different backgrounds than what you can have with the standard plain old blogger.  So if you are looking for something fun you can google blogger templates or blog backgrounds or you could go here:

If you find one you like let me know and I will help you apply it to your blog!