Your Surreal Images

Hello on you blog this week you need to tell me

1.  Where you got your inspiration for you image.
2.  What you like about your image.
3.  What you would improve on your image.
4.  What you would give yourself for a grade and WHY!
5.  Where you got your images (each one).

Link you your image to receive a grade.

I would also like you to comment on someone else's image!  Give them some good feed back, not just I like your picture its cool!!!

Your Surrealism

Now its your turn to make a surreal image!  Here is what you will do:

1.  Start with a wonderful, creative idea!
2.  Get your images and textures.
3.  Make a document that is 8x10 or 10x8, 300 resolution in Photoshop.
4.  Use the tutorial you just finished to help you create your image.

Here is what you need:

4-5 images or textures.
Shadows to make things look real.
Seamless edits- no jagged edges need to LOOK like it is REALLY happening!
A good idea/composition!

Here are the places to get things:

Images- Images need to be copy right free!  - Use your keystone username and password (can't remember it look on the board)




Surrealism- what is it?- It was and is an art movement started in the 1930's- the defintion of surreal- having the qualities of surrealism; bizarre : a surreal mix of fact and fantasy. My definition- a dream like state where the scene looks real but couldn't really happen.

Artist who are associated with surrealsim:
Renee Magritte, and Salvador Dali
Paul Biddle  Zazie Stephen Burns

What are you going to do?
1- You are going to do a tutorial on how to blend images into 1 image.
2- You are going to create your own Surreal Image using approved images.

Here is the website for the tutorial:

Here is the Link to Part 1 of the tutorial:

Here is the link to Part 2 of the tutorial:

Here is the link to Part 3 of the tutorial:

Link up your Painting and what to tell me!

Hello class, you will have this week to work on your painting.  On Thursday I will introduce the next project, so until than work on your original painting and when you are done post it to your blog.  On your blog tell me the following info:

1-Why you picked the photo you turned into art.
2- Did you do all of the following on the art:
Gradient-Texture-Dodge Burn-Layer Opitions
3- What do you really like about your art work? WHY!
4- What is one thing you would change about your art?  WHY!

Remember answer these questions in paragraph form, so anyone reading this would understand what you are talking about!!!!!!  You will receive points for each blog post you create.