Turning your photo to Line Art!

You assignment is to create a colored drawing/painting with one of your own photos.  You will be expected to use Gradients, Texture, Fill, Dodge and Burn with this project.  Basically you need to apply the last 3 tutorials to your own photo.

Here is a video that will help you change your photo to line art.

To view this video in Youtube.  Click here.

FUN Friday!

Hello class, I hope you are behaving for your sub!  I want you all to do some fun tutorials today!  Go to this website
Pick a text effect you want to learn to create.  Follow the onscreen instructions and have fun creating some fun text effects.  You have to do 1 tutorial. However, you can turn in up to 3 text effects.  Each will be worth 25 points. 

On your blog give me the link to the text tutorials you did.  As well as post the jpeg of the effect!  No need to link up, I will just go to your website and do it. 

Have a great day!!!

Mrs. Riehle

Fun with Fill

Yes fun with fill!  We are going to get VERY creative with fill!!!

Google Docs files:
Signs Line and Signs END

Tools You Will Use
Magic Wand Tool
Gradient Tool
Move Tool
Quick Mask Mode

Short cuts You Will Use
Cmd +J- Duplicate Layer
Cmd+ C-Copy
Opt +Delete- Fill Foreground
Cmd + Delete-Fill Background
Cmd + D- Deselect
Cmd + + Zoom IN
Cmd + -  Zoom out
Shift-  Select Multiple areas
Cmd + Q


Refer to Orange Folder

How you will be graded:

Graded on if it looks like the other document.

Use of fill
Use of Filters
Use of Gradients
Use of the Warp Type Tool

Use of layers
Use of fill
Attention to detail NEATNESS!!!
Use of values
Attention to DETAIL!


Your first assignment blog post

Ok, so here is what you are going to do, create blog post to show off your BEST black square problem.  Tell me the following things in your blog:

1-  What word your you illustrating?
2- Why you picked this one over all the others.
3- Which black square needs the most work (this is for when I look at your google docs).  Why does it need the most work?
4-  How comfortable are you getting with the Photoshop program.  Is there anything you would like extra help on?

Now you need to "link up" your post to this post.  Mrs. Riehle will show you how to do that, but I also have a page that will remind you for the future!!!

Got some extra time on your hands?

If you check out Mrs. Riehle's personal blogs you will notice that I have some different backgrounds than what you can have with the standard plain old blogger.  So if you are looking for something fun you can google blogger templates or blog backgrounds or you could go here:


If you find one you like let me know and I will help you apply it to your blog!

Black Square Problem

The Black square problem- you job is to visually show me the following words:  order, tension, playful, bold, conjested, and increase.

Name:  Your name+word
6x6 inches
300 resolution
White Background

Tools You Will Use
Rectangular Marquee Tool
Gradient Tool
Move Tool

Short cuts You Will Use
Cmd +J- Duplicate Layer
Cmd+ C-Copy
Opt +Delete- Fill Foreground
Cmd + Delete-Fill Background
Cmd + T- Free Transform
Cmd + D- Deselect
Cmd + + -Zoom IN
Cmd +-  Zoom out


Click me to make me larger!

How you will be graded:

How well you conveyed the word you were representing
Attention to Detail

Your 1st Blog Post!!!

Hello Photoshop class!  You first blog post you will need to do the following:

Use the internet to find some digital artists that use Photoshop to create their artwork.  You need to find 10 websites that feature digital artists and or Photoshop professionals.  You can search for digital art, digital artists, Photoshop artists, digital printmakers and anything else you can think of.  Tell me why you picked the site and if you like or disliked the art and why.  Link each website up to your post.

When you are done, link you blog up to this one!

Here is an example of a great digital artist, Paul Biddle.